Rob and Cher's Sri Lankan Adventure

This is a blog about our work, travel, and life in Sri Lanka.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Life is balanced...

A few weeks ago I got on the bus to go get groceries and handed over my 5 RP and the guy asked for more money. I thought he was trying to rip me off and argued as much as I could (like with the parking ticket lady - I'll write about that later... Wayne is probably still laughing at that...) and finally paid up the extra 2 RP. I got my groceries and headed home and again was charged 6 RP. I figured this was one of the fare increases I had heard about and thought wow, 50% is a big increase. I was quite perterbed as I had been bragging to Wayne about the 4 RP bus ride and now it was 6 RP. Luckily I didn't write in to the papers or make a huge stink as it seems it was an anomaly. I'm back to 4 RP for the trip and still don't know why it was six that day. Maybe something like the no alcohol sales within a week of the election... Anyway, a RP is about the same as a US cent so in the end not a huge deal I suppose.... It was at the time though!!


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