Rob and Cher's Sri Lankan Adventure

This is a blog about our work, travel, and life in Sri Lanka.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Bathroom Humour

Cher thought this was a "bloggable" moment... This morning I was suffering from a small GI problem and grabbed the basket* and went running off to the washroom. The cleaner was hosing out the washroom, literally, this is how they clean it each day, so I headed on floor down only to discover that both washrooms on the second floor are for Ladies. I ran down to the first floor and into the washroom just in time. Well the tank over the hole in the floor was overflowing and wouldn't turn off so I had a spray of water falling on me as I did my business, all the while trying to hike my pants up from the flowing water. The door was oddly chewed away at the bottom, reminding me of one of my mothers dogs from years ago who chewed threw a door when she was left in a room one day. I was curious who or what had chewed away 8 inches of solid wood and whether it lived in the hole I was using. not a pleasant thought. After all was done I pulled the string to flush the toilet to discover that the porcelain around the edge of the bowl was all chipped away so that when the water came down it flew up and at me and all around. I was trying to jump out of the way but there was nowhere to run! I came back up to the office with my pants soaked from the knees down and my shoes full of water. Charles thought it was quite humourous and Cher just smiled and said "good blog story"... probably getting even with me from Wednesday when she fell off the tread mill and couldn't get back on to it and I said the same to her...

At least we're providing humour for the locals and our team mates....

*We have two little wicker baskets to take to the washroom with you. They contain a bar of soap, a wash towel and the TP as these are not included in the washrooms here. When you go off to the washroom there is no privacy in where you are going. When Laura first arrived I would play the song by Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs - Little Red Riding Hood - I think she was really impressed...


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