I was at this new mall near where I live today because
there was a grand opening celebration. Last night when I was at the
grocery store the manager told me to come back today as there were
going to be contests and prizes etc.. So I ended up there and entered
two contests. The first was to count the fish in four of the five HUGE
fish tanks they have. The tanks are about 10' X 10' X 5' and have
varying sized fish. Counting them was a bit problematic as there are a
lot so without the help of Sophie (mom and dad used to have a schnauzer that loved fish in ponds and tanks) I made my best
guesses and submitted my entry. I also entered a contest where you are
given a list of grocery items and you compete against one other team
to see who can get the most items. My number was drawn so down I went
(the party was in the food court on the 5th floor and the grocery
store is on the first floor). So my competition was two young ladies
who were eager shoppers. They were racing around the store working
together but the manager was helping me out as much as he could, it
was being filmed by the local tv station so he had to be careful!
Anyway, I ended up with 8 of the 20 listed items and they ended up
with 7. But then I learned that it wasn't a competition just with them
but you had to be the overall winner to win. I was let down. I hung
around anyway to hear the results of the fish count and found I had
lost so I decided to get a freshly squeezed mango drink. I only had a
1000 Rupee note on me and the juice place couldn't change it so I told
the guy to make the drink and I would get change from the grocery
store on the first floor. I was waiting at the elevator when the news
anchor got off, she asked where I was going as I should stick around…
So I waited only to learn that I wasn't the third place winner, or the
second place winner, but THE winner!! I won 2000.00 Rupees PLUS all
the 8 items! Not to mention all the glory of beating the locals in
their own shop J The news anchor made a big deal that a foreigner had
come in and cleaned up. Lots of fun! I walked for miles today to go to
the tourism board to find out about trains out of the city only to
find the office closed – they advertised it being open until noon on
Saturdays… Anyway, that is my day so far!